The emergence of COVID-19 is a catastrophe that would have severe and long-lasting consequences for society and our world environment. When coronavirus begins to propagate across the globe, more and more businesses may miss their revenue goals owing to delays in the supply chain and dampened market demand. This is still uncertain how long this pandemic will continue, because there is no antidote to fight it yet, nor is there any accepted treatment to slow down the human body’s toll. What should be obvious is that COVID-19 would have a drastic effect on most companies for months, potentially years. Bottom line: this is not likely to be a short – term occurrence, and companies ought to plan for the long haul. With this kind of mindset, it is crucial that companies put up the requisite organizational flexibility to withstand this new world. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of IT and digital transformation, and companies will take this opportunity to drive the shift.
The main three adverse effects of COVID – 19 on companies are:
- • Failure to contact customers
- • Substantial drop in sales performance
- • Failure to restart production
The top positive impacts on enterprises are:
- • Enhanced organizational capability through long – distance team collaboration.
- • Broad awareness of the importance of digital innovation and information technologies across all workers.
- • Capacity in building on online marketing and business development
Impact of COVID – 19 on IT Industry
Corona virus also compromised the capacity to handle day – to – day service provision for certain companies, shutting workplaces, stores and processing plants. There are several factors that COVID-19 has made the industry disabled with its attack.
- • Not Ready For a Fully Remote Workforce
- • Facing challenge to engage with client effectively
- • Commerce with Reduced Efficiency and Performance
- • Fallout Disrupts Global Supply Chains
- • Facility and Office Closures
- • Cash Flow Crisis for SMEs
Cloud Computing Is Helping Deal With Corona effect on business:
The current spread of corona virus is transforming the way people lead their daily life and communicate with each other. When organizations decided to operate from home and the condition of supply chain changes erratically. For the world, despite all aspects to what extent will the organization continue to function effectively? One innovation that shouldn’t be disregarded during the corona virus episode is cloud computing. The cloud has provided companies the tools or assets that can remotely process a lot of information, developing and running crucial applications and services to collaborate with partners across the globe.
Shifting Office Servers & endpoints to the Cloud
• Cloud – based enterprise applications customers are able to monitor their own identities and digital assets, save precious resources and reduce dependence on IT for certain activities.
• IT staff achieve flexibility to spend less time on operations and network management, and more focus on initiatives of greater value gained.
• Developers can rapidly and efficiently add capacity, all with decreased capital expenditure needs as the cloud frees them from the need to buy, install and manage their own servers.
• By leveraging the economies of scale provided by controlled hosting and cloud computing companies, enterprises may minimize costs and move a large portion of the costs from capital outlays to operational expenses.
Create a Work from Anywhere Environment
- • Challenge the network of technologies to assess the capacity to accommodate remote work
- • Establish an organizational sustainability strategy for each department
- • Set high goals for workers and promote interactive communication and teamwork

How to Ensure Business Continuity in the Coronavirus
- • Agile IT will make Business Agile - High availability and Resiliency
- • Cloud Modernisation - Leverage on SAAS, PAAS
- • Cloud Migration - On prem to Public Cloud
- • Cost Optimisation - Control OPEX by optimally running workload
- • Developing cloud native Application
- • Latest Cloud Technology Adaption Microservice, Serverless, Docker & Container
- • Centralised reliable and durable datastore - anywhere, anytime access for better collaboration
- • Setting Up HA, DR & Security Process
This is where digital infrastructure is coming in - The cloud helps businesses to consume, store, interpret and exchange large data in a flexible, cost – efficient way, a practice known as technology interoperability
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